Discovery Journey
I find that I need words to communicate with power, because it’s not war or ammunition to make it better. It’s words and poetry weapon, vibration to make everyone to be who they are and to make them be a person of overstanding in this vibration.
This is how you work the whole vibration: good, better best, never let it rest until the good become the best.
The good that you do for yourself that is what you want to share with others. If you don’t do good to yourself, then you will never be able to share the good with others. So when you do good to yourself, first is yourself, then rest of vibration you can see it naturally, with an open eyes.
This is it
You don’t have to make a decision for yourself. When you have an open mind, then the one that place himself within yourself will be the remainder that stays there and you notice when it’s predominant. You might have tried a lot of things, none of them is a failure, but the one that is strongest will remain.
It’s something that you bond with, but you have to take care of it. When you are mindful of the vibration (everything here and also everyone - the entire globe), you know that when it's not vibrating, it's not happening.
Try it
First look into yourself. It will tell you where to go and where to find your passion all the time, because the passion is within yourself.
And listen to people you meet every day. They will tell you if they like things you do and you will see it growing this way.
A lot of people don't see anything, because they never try to work with themselves. They try to stay away from themselves, so they see all the other things that other people do but they never see what they are supposed to do.
Start with paying attention to the food you eat, because the food can change your mind from what is supposed to do. Look at what you drink too. Alcohol can cut your communication level. You are more to see backwards.
Don’t look too much forward. When I say forward I mean don’t look about tomorrow, because tomorrow is obligated to no one and you can't count on it. Today, what you see now, you have to work with it, then it can extend, because it’s fathomless.
Give times and prayers to all the people who will listen and get the vibration from oneself to be truly inspired by the goodness they do all the time.
Listen to the full interview: here