15. Passion for action

by Laban-Cliff Onserio

My Passion:

I am passionate about telling the world about the growth in Africa. I research, report and anchor business news. It fascinates me, because it makes a difference, as many investors use media to inform their decision making process.

I’ve actually never thought I would become a reporter. I’ve not studied journalism and when I started I had to learn everything on the job. It just proves that you can do anything if you set your mind into it.


Discovery Journey

I discovered this passion in my first job at HumanCapital, General Electric Africa. I’ve constantly received feedback that my biggest strength lays in communication and public relation. I also took some personality tests that helped me to paint a better picture. And I took a leap of faith and quit my job to become a reporter.




This is it

How did I know this is my passion? I knew it from the very first moment I was on AIR. It’s one thing to receive feedback about your talent and capabilities, it’s another to actually go for it. When I stepped into the newsroom for the very first time and the News Director wired me up, my heart was glowing. The feeling was exhilarating, I felt like I'd won a jackpot. 


If you like your job, but you are not sure whether it's your passion, ask yourself: ‘Would I be doing it for free?’


Try it

First, reflect on your career path and ask questions: Am I living my dream? If I was woken up at 3am to go to work, would I gladly do it, without a frown?

Do a personality test. Trust me, they are quite an eye opening and come without a biased opinion. :) Give your friends and family a plain piece of paper and ask them "what do you think my abilities and gifts are?” You will be surprised by the level of details of answers you get. 

Finally, act on it.

"Find that which you love doing and you will never have to work for the rest of your life"


Discover more about Laban's passion and his hobby for motorsport (he competes in the Kenya National Rally Championship) on www.labancliff.com


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