To me graffiti is an art form. I paint it on canvas and on Wall of Fame (legal spots). But it's also about friendship, being surrounded by like-minded people.
Discovery Journey
I've started with graffiti when I was about 15 years old. My cousin is a HipHop Dj and he used to give me those mix-tapes with my name tag on the cover. This has actually inspired me to try it on my own and I enjoy it ever since. I've even breakdanced for a while. It has always been a social activity for me, but during the last 3 years, it has turned into something bigger. I really got into it and now it's like with any kind of art – you keep practicing as there is always something to improve on.
Eureka Moment
You don't find graffiti, it finds you. And then you see it everywhere. You start noticing familiar tags in a train, in the city and on the highways. When I got into graffiti, it was absolutely crazy. I had it in my mind constantly and couldn't think of anything else. I guess then you simply know that this is it and that this feeling is not going away for a long time.
Try it
That is the cool thing about graffiti. To start with, you just need a pen and a paper. First, you need to create your name-tag. I really recommend to practice a lot on the paper first before you go on the wall. When you feel you are ready, remember and respect graffiti rules:
1. Don't paint over other graffiti.
2. The only exception is on a Wall of Fame (less space), but you have to always use coating colour for your background. It's not respectful to use other's art as part of yours.
3. And the most important: never paint over graffiti of somebody who is better than you (even today you might get into trouble if you do so).
I made my first couple pieces under a highway bridge in a forest just because i didn't wanted to cross somebody in the wall of fame. You can find most of the public Wall of Fames around the Globe here. I also recommend to speak with the guy from the graffiti store in your city. They always now the best spots. In Zurich it is "Six Pack" at Dienerstrasse 7 8004 Zürich. Check more of Matthias graffiti and Follow him on Instagram