1. Crocheting & fashion design

by Agnieszka Muszynska 

My Passion

I really enjoy crocheting, more precisely: crocheting doll clothes. It involves designing the piece of cloth; crocheting itself, which takes time but is so relaxing and finally styling the doll for a small photo session. It's a little bit like fashion designing. There are many ready-made patterns available on Internet, but the true fun begins when you use your imagination and come up with your own style.


Discovery Journey: Discovering the passion for crocheting dolls' clothes was neither sudden nor clear. As a little girl, I loved playing with dolls together with my friend who had a few such clothes made by her auntie. Frankly, I was very jealous, as they were so lovely. Now, that I think of it, it must have been the moment the idea got planted in my mind. :) Later on, I've learned crocheting at school, but that experience was not particularly exciting for me. It was not until a few years ago when I bought my first Barbie doll and crocheted for it a first dress. At that time it was only to kill the boredom during long winter evenings.


Eureka moment: After I made that first doll dress, I decided to continue with crocheting. I enjoyed making up new designs, taking photos… I've started looking for inspiration and I came across a number of wonderful pictures of fabulously dressed dolls with magnificent clothes. They were surprising with colours, concepts, creativity and precision. I knew it right then that I wanted to take my chance and do something as beautiful that could inspire others. The same way it inspired me.

Check Aga's design here.


Try it: Materials necessary to start your adventure with crocheting are a crochet hook (one small is enough to start with) and some yarn or chenille, depending on what you want to do. If you crochet clothes for dolls – it is good to have at least one doll ;) The materials are not that expensive and may be bought at haberdasheries, fabric shops or on the internet. And there are plenty tutorials online to help you learn crocheting.


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